Rivendell, WIS

O to grace how great a debtor Daily I'm constrained to be! Let Thy goodness, like a fetter, Bind my wandering heart to Thee.

Friday, April 07, 2006

A dance began 26 years ago...

Spring and summer of 1980. He is a new believer in Jesus Christ, also newly discharged from the US Air Force. After returning to the family farm, he begins attending church regularly for the first time in his life. She meets him at a Bible study for college-age people. They both enroll in the local two-year university.

A small group of christians meet on campus for Bible studies and prayer. As friendships develop, they gather to talk in the cafeteria, library, parking lot... before and after classes... long conversations, much laughter.

She watches him, noticing that he is intelligent and articulate, discussing subjects she too finds interesting. He is sensitive, looking for ways God can work through his life. A great listener, he asks perceptive questions and gives sound advice when other students come to him with their problems. She admires the freshness and depth of his newfound love for God and the Bible.

A question arises in her mind within the first month of school. Could he be the one? This question grows into a dream, a dream she lays before her Father in heaven. She waits to see what He will do with it.

November 20, 1980.
After everyone else leaves a prayer meeting at school, the two begin a conversation that stretches through the afternoon. His counseling abilities and how people seek his advice is one of the topics.

She says, "I had thought of coming to you for some advice."

"Oh, really? About what?"

Uh-oh. She should have known he would ask. Well, she had known. What to say now? Moments pass as she carefully chooses her words, telling him she's not sure she should tell him.

He waits, questions, yet has no clue of the earth-shaking revelation about to emerge.

"I was going to ask what you thought I should do about... What a person should do if... Well, I'll speak of it in past-tense, because I think I may not have the problem any more." Hadn't she been thinking about him less the last week?

She pauses, then finally plunges in, "I had a crush on you."

Thus begins the dance--she takes the first step.

He expresses genuine surprise. A rare man, he, never imagining that any girl would be harboring romantic thoughts about him. He quietly questions her, trying to piece together the facts of this story.

She answers with bright eyes, relieved to finally take a step and patiently waiting for the next one--his step.

He makes a move just as the conversation is winding down. "Well, if you ever want to do anything together, let me know."

Not what she expected. But, this dance is unlearned, unpracticed. Never has anyone else danced it like these two. Spontaneously, each of them chooses his next word, look or movement in a style unique to his own soul. A dance impossible to be danced again.

Their next meeting is a group trip to Red Lobster. No chance for conversation in the van, but at the restaurant, their feet move them to the same table. Alone.

"Hey, you two can't sit by yourselves!" Bryan exclaims, joining them with a huge smile. The two exchange their first private glance, which says, "They haven't yet noticed our dance."

What seals it? After the fish, after the trip home, her phone rings. It is him. He talks of what he has been thinking and remembering: past conversations that could have clued him in on her feelings; comments dropped by mutual friends (girls in on her secret) that seemed odd at the time. Trickles of melting snow from the hills, converging in the valley to rush downstream with nothing to stop the flood.

Our wedding: December 26, 1981


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