Rivendell, WIS

O to grace how great a debtor Daily I'm constrained to be! Let Thy goodness, like a fetter, Bind my wandering heart to Thee.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Target's amazing change of heart...

The breaking news on christian radio is that Target has changed its policies re: mentioning the name of the upcoming holiday. Yes, Virginia, the holiday is called Christmas. And Target will now include the word, "Christmas," in their advertising, etc. Here's one article explaining Target's policies.

A gentleman on the radio station I listen to said, "Target has had a change of heart in response to the boycott." Now, I am not writing this to argue about what this holiday should be called. Nor am I writing to argue for or against christian boycotts.

My basic question is this: How can a boycott produce a change of heart? Is it just me, or is there a contradiction here? Can Target serve God and Mammon (i.e., money)?

Many of the arguments used for fighting against a "generic" holiday sound very valid to me. Yet, I keep coming back to the idea that if we have to force people to acknowledge the holiday--especially by appealing to their greed!!!--we really haven't accomplished anything.

For a viewpoint you probably won't hear on christian radio, see this Capital Times article, titled Try a Boycott of Real Value. Warning: If you are all for the American Family Association tactic of boycotting, you may be offended.


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